Thursday, March 20, 2008

Herbalife on Track

Ok today cuti.. harapnya no more cheating la.... mintak2 mak aku masak bukan mknan fav arini.. kalau tak tergugat lagi imam..

Pagi at 9 dah ambik Herbalife Shapework shake with choc dutch + vanila.. yummy! with 400ml plain water... so wait another 3 hours baru bole ambik solid food...

The concept is, if u wanna lose weight, u hv to replace your 2 meals with this herbalife shake.. and u can have 1 normal and colourful meal! so nak mkn KFC ke MekD ke nasi ke anything bole dlm satu hari sekali je... like me, I am taking at breakfast and dinner... lunch kt opis mkn nasi tak hingat punya! it's only hv about 89 calories per shake.... so 2 times per day.. baru brp calories... skit kan? drp kita mkn nasi + lauk2 sepinggang semua tu dh 4-5oo calories dah aku rasa... as for me, to lose weight i can't hv more than 1200+ calories per day... ini kita panggil BMR rasanya...

ok besides shake, kita kena minum teamix... teamix ni green tea yg akan flush toxin....ini ikut berat badan kita lah.. like me have to drink about 4L water.. kt opis payah la skit nk minum bergelen-gelen ayaq... aku bole takat 2L je.. with weather lately yg asyik ujan, every 15 minutes aku kena pegi toilet... malam blk rumh sambung lagi 2L.. itu pun tak abis..

this shake ada different taste like strawberry (i like it so much), dutch chocolate, cappucino, vanilla, tropical fruit.. all i hv tried except for tropical fruit.. that will be my next shake when I dpt gaji lorrr.. hehe..

okeh cont later...ank dh kacau..


NoRMaTSuE said...

wah2 dah wajah baru. siap tgh berdiet lagi. takleh jadi nie...nak kena lawan nie hehehe

-HeLiNa- said...

hehe... wajah baru tapi skin yg lama jugok.. yg ni je aku suka.. hehe..

diet jgn tak diet!

Nurul said...

helen ni la skin aku dulu..hehhee

-HeLiNa- said...

hehe .. nurul aku tau mmg hg pioneer skin ni pastu aku tiru..

Anonymous said...

ena... ni herbal remedies yg tak perlu bersenam2 kah..? hikhik saje tanya. wehh! bersenam lahhhhhh.... apart from taking the diet remedies + exercise for sure akan turun double nnt...


aku buhsan wehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. file correction aku corrupted..! demm!

-HeLiNa- said...

cek nad tiap hari aku bersenam kat campus... jgn risau..hehe

Anonymous said...

caiyukks ena... wehh! best tak keje lecturer nih.. aku dh smcm ilang interest ko...! mcmmana ni..?

ummsaal said...

ooo ini ka rahsia kurus ko... alah aku tak lalu minum jenis2 ni... dah try byk kali..kuar balik dari kerengkong... nak exercise aku malas!

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