Saturday, March 15, 2008

SOooooo Many Things in My Head...

Which one to write first?
So many issues I hv till I don't know what to write...
Ye lah.. lama tak update blog.. cheh mcm la aku rajin menulis pun hahhaa..

Ok lah.. utk kengkawan yg lama aku tak contact... aku update ckit psl aku skrg..
Tu pun kalau ada org nak tau pasal aku hehehe.. brp kerat je pun kawan2 aku.. korang2 je yg selalu nak tau pasal aku kan... at least ada gak org nak tau pasal aku... huhuhu

OK.. skrg aku in the process of lossing weight... tu pun kalo jadi la.. so far so good.. baru 1 and 1/2 month.. aku baru loss about 4 kgs +.. masa 1st month bnyk cheating gak la... tp ini baru back to my weight masa mula2 masuk keja MSI masa bulan posa tahun lepas... so my target is to lose weight for another 5kgs... ermm kira my new year resolution tuu...tak sia2 la.. beside aku ada ambik HERBALIFE.. ok this one citer later..

OK.. if anyone interested nak tau pasal herbalife.. aku akan citer on next entry... hehe..


Nurul said...

helen seriously, nape semangat nak loose weight ni?aku ni mcm takk hengat mkn..dh naik 2kg..berat aku skng dh 57..dah je aku rasa kena kurus..maintain mcm dulu 55..kalu dpt 50 lg bagus..hehehe

-HeLiNa- said...

hehe...bnyak sebab...

dulu kt UK aku pun mkn tak hingat.. atas katil makan pizza berkeping2 smbil tgk tv lagi..lps makn terus tido.. ngeri aku rasa skrg.. hehe

areT said...

baguih tak herbalife tu helen???

-HeLiNa- said...

bagus are-t.. nutrient suppliment.. dah lama kat US.. malaysia baru 2 tahun lebih..

Anonymous said...


salaam..ek leh tak tau harga herbalife kat malaysia?!! mahal gileer ka? Tq


-HeLiNa- said...


herbalife murah jer stok yg aku dpt... bnyk less dr retail price..

sorry tak perasan message ni..

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