Monday, June 23, 2008

Minyak oh Minyak...

Morning all... hope everyone is in a good condition..

Something that keep me think day and night..that is the rises of oil price now make me sick.. travelling back and forth from parent's home to work about 100 km+ a day = 500 km+ per week.. and i spent about RM500 per month to the office excluding after 40% increaces in the price i think i will spend about RM700 per month..i donno yet but theoretically about that figure.. fuhhhh... what a waste of money.. the rebet/subsidize is @#$%^&*@!
the difference per year will be RM8400 - RM6000 = RM2400
and the rebet is RM625.. so RM2400-RM625 = RM1775...

so how to save now? any ideas? :D

tukar keta kancil atau beli rumah kat area tmp keja?


AsLiNa said...

helen, terjepitnya aku tgk figure calculation hang tu.. aku pun x ade penyelesaian, tp kalau duduk dekat dgn tempat kerja mmg save..

p/s hang x ade ym ke nak bergosip apakah gosip hr tu..hehe.. add aku

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