I just feel a great great relief after all I have vomited it out… I talked to friends....many friends which I really really appreciated yr advice and concern.... and finally to my boss.. after a phone called on Friday, I was so worried and couldn’t prepare anything for my class this week.. luckily we had a long meeting this afternoon about MOHE visit and I just gave my students an open book quiz.. salah jugak tak tau la haku dah bg tgk buku…. The decision was made but options are there for me not to quit the current job.. aku masih sayang kt msi..but need approval lah… tomorrow will see DD and finally the dean.. O ya forgot to tell that, I called dr jedi this morning and he fired me over the phone!
Pusingan Kedua : Tunggu FINAL!!
Apakah ini suatu petanda?
Tanda yang amat sangatlah bermakna
Buat azimat untuk para memanda
Episod pengakhir bakal menjelma
5 years ago
helen..so jd quit msi ek?bila start join usm balik?dr jedi?hehehe ..takpa sabarudin k..leh tak wat entry detail pasal fire wall dr jedi ni?kakakakakaa
entry firewall tak dpt nak diluhkn dgn tulisan..sgt kena luahkn dr mulut hehe
aku tak benti msi la.. ko ni cuba bacer tul2 :D
aku konfius even dh baca 2x..hehehe
hehe .. tak per nurul.. malam ni akan ku entry kan supay korunk lebih memahami...
apa2 pon ko buat decision yg x kan menterjpitkan diriko kemudian hari ;)
ok..aku tnggu entry br ko mlm ni yg tak mengkompiuskan aku..hehehe
helen...td aku pi MIAT...mantap!!!pasai hang kena masuk balik belajar tu, aku sokong...good luck..
are-t MIAT hehehe..ko suka eh?
aku pun tak penah pegi MIAT lagi hehe... p sana wat pa? saja visit ka?
nurul..ye la...habi ko kan penah kojer kat sana
helen...sangat la...lawatan dgn student..mantap
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